пятница, 17 февраля 2012 г.

Perpetuum mobile Aeroflot

Just heard on the radio:
No flights from Frankfurt am Main, airport personnel on strike.

The thought struck me – excuse the pun – when did I hear last about a Moscow airport, airline or any related personnel starting an industrial action?
I’ll tell you: it was twenty years ago, after the market economy made a glorious entry into this country. I was trying to make both ends meet by private English lessons, and two flight operators happened to be my students. Though much more affluent then I was, or will ever be, they used to be on strike quite often - mostly at school vacations. Please don’t misunderstand me, I am not as caustic as I seem; in fact, French railway strikes always coincide with – but hardly are limited to - Festival de Cannes.

Well, time goes by. Whatever happens, our national carrier Aeroflot keeps going, and so do our Russian railways, not to speak of the Moscow metro.
And please don’t misunderstand me again, I am not saying this is good or bad. Just stating the facts.

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